All in Arts & Culture

‘A Family Like Ours’: Portraits of Gay Fatherhood

A new book of photography by Burt Heynen features the intimate moments of queer dads in America. American culture has not been particularly starved of images of gay fatherhood, particularly in recent years. It no longer feels revelatory to see them on television, as it did when “Modern Family” premiered in 2009. Less common are images of gay fathers who aren’t Instagram ready — like two men combing their daughters’ hair. Read the article here.

Ways to Improve the World: Become a Deep Canvasser

Deep canvasses require volunteers to be vulnerable with strangers, which can be uncomfortable but effective. A 2016 study published in Science found that 10 percent of voters deep-canvassed on transgender rights shifted their views in a positive direction. “That may not sound like a lot,” said Dave Fleischer, director of the Leadership Lab, a group involved in the research. “But it’s better than zero, which is the result of almost everything else we’ve tried.” Read the article here.

Lachlan Watson: Your Next Romantic Lead

My interview with Lachlan Watson, star of Netflix’s reboot of Sabrina, appeared in September 2022 issue of Glass Man. Lachlan was a pleasure to interview, and super impressive. At 18 years old, they’ve spent the last year filming a major television show, gracing magazine covers, and schooling the media on the intricacies of feminism, sexuality, and gender identity. The best part of the interview was listening to Lachlan, one of Hollywood’s most visible nonbinary actors, talk about the roles they’d like to tackle next after Theo. After “always playing the queer kid,” they hope their next role is in a completely different genre — like a Western. “Put me in a corset, give me those ringlet curls, and let me go train hopping,” they said.

Better Half the Movie

The main tension in the movie centers on a question posed between would-be parents in bedrooms, fertility clinics, and couples therapy sessions all across the country, regardless of sexual orientation: what happens when one of you wants parenthood less?